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Princess/Holland/Seabourn Commission Levels

Princess & Holland:

If you are making a new booking for the following year, our commission level for these two cruise lines (Princess and Holland America) will initially be set at the base commission level of 10%. However, once our new contract is finalized for the new year with these cruise lines your commission level will be increased to the full 16% whereby an additional 6% commission will be paid out via a second payment from the cruise line

There is no need for you to fill out another CBS Form as we will pay out once we receive from the cruise line.

The happens every year as this cruise line sort places our commission level in limbo.

So to explain further using an example

If you made a booking sailing in 2025 in 2024 our initial commission level will be 10%.

Once January of 2025 comes around our commission level will be increased to 16% and the additional 6% commission will be paid to our agency under that same confirmation number.  We will apply that additional 6% commission to your booking.  There is no need to fill out another CBS form.  No need to worry as it will be handled properly.


With regards to Seabourn, our commission for 2024 is 12% but could increase depending on our total revenue for 2023 and therefore any additional commissions will be paid as a second payment.  You do not need to enter an additional CBS Form as it will be paid on the same booking number and the system does not allow you to enter a duplicate booking number.