To: Travel Network/Vacation Central
Div. of REZconnect Technologies, Inc
known as TN/VC within this document
Subject: Irrevocable agreement for Auto Draft
From: Name: ____________________________________
Your Agency Name: _________________________
Agent ID #: 90_____________
The above party gives permission to Travel Network/Vacation Central Division of REZconnect Technologies Inc. to auto draft from my bank account (account information on file at TN/VC) funds to be applied for travel bookings, which I have made using TN/VC IATA/CLIA/TELEPHONE NUMBER or other means of agency recognition to a vendor. I agree and understand that once I provide this letter - I authorize TN/VC to auto draft my account for the amount indicated below, that I forgo the right to rescind the payment through my bank.
I understand and agree that if I instruct my bank to reverse the funds this letter will override such action. And furthermore give TN/VC the authority to stop that rescission or to have my bank give the funds back to TN/VC. Any dispute I have must be addressed directly with Travel Network/Vacation Central and any refund or return of the auto draft must be with TN/VC directly.
I further understand that upon signing and faxing of this letter to TN/VC I relinquish the right to rescind, reject or request a refund through my authorized bank.
Signature of Name on account
Date: _____/_____/_____
Vendor: ___________________________ Booking/confirmation #: ____________________
Amount requested to be auto drafted: $_________.___