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Travel Network/Vacation Central
Independent Contractor Agreement

If you signed and returned to us our mandatory Independent Contractor Agreement in the past you DO NOT have to sign an agreement agian and you will be included in our agent list. 

However, if you HAVE NOT signed the agreement you MUST sign the agreement IMMEDIATELY in order to book with us at Travel Network/Vacation Central. 

No agent can use our company IATA, Consortia, Travel Partner relationships etc. without a signed agreement with Travel Network/Vacation Central. 

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation!

When you sign up for Vacation Central.net, you are considered to be an Independent Contractor (IC) of Travel Network/Vacation Central. This means that we do not control you in anyway and you are NOT an employee of Travel Network. You have the choice to select when and which vendors to book with us.

You are Not Directly considered Travel Network or Vacation Central, but you represent your own agency name to your clients. You should use on your Business Cards your agency name and not Travel Network or Vacation Central nor use our logos in any of your materials.

You are only using our agency's CLIA & IATA # to make bookings through our agency in order to maximize your commission levels.

Florida Agents Click Here to file with the State.


  • Please Read the Independent Contractor Agreement by clicking on the link below. 
    will Not be able to modify the document as it is a Protected, Read-Only Document. 

  • Please Do Not Mail the Independent Agreement.
  • You only need to read the agreement and Electronically Sign the Agreement
    This is done by filling out your Agency information on the link (form) located below and this will allow you to sign the agreement by entering your initials.


Click filename below to access file


After reading the IC Agreement, you can electronically sign by clicking below:

Electronically Sign by Clicking This Link 

The above link appears at the end of the agreement but some agents were having issues clicking on the link within the word document so we have provided it here as well.

We recommend that you form an LLC to protect youself if you have not already done so and using Legal Zoom is an easy and inexpensive way to form an LLC (Limited Liability Corporation). Click on the icon below to form an LLC.